Grace For Uncommon Favor

Grace For Uncommon Favor
April 18, 2022
This message and the prayer that goes along with it will inspire you and open the door of uncommon favor for you, as you listen and receive the prophetic blessings. Pastor Joshua Oravbiere is the founder and leader of Hour of Power virtual prayer ministry.
The prayer service is a ministry of Pavilion of God Christian Church founded by pastor Joshua. He is also the senior pastor of the church. Contact: 862-755-9793; Email: Church Address: 858 Clinton Ave, Newark, New Jersey, 07108
TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL PRAYER SERVICE: (Every Thursday at 8pm - EST) Hour of Power Zoom Direct Link: Click: Connect by phone: +1646-558-8656 (US); +1647-558-0588 (CAN); Meeting ID: 7236333207 Passcode: 858000
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